Drive Safely: What should I do when getting siren
Always focus on some major steps of driving and don’t lose patience, because it’s very important for the purpose of the vehicle control.
Five Major aspects needs to be follow-
1- Don’t be Panic
It’s important that don’t lose your mind or control of your bladder, slowly just figure out the options and safest way to control the situation. Take your vehicle on the side of the road by checking each way using mirror and blind spot as well.
2- Always carefully check your Mirrors
In that kind of situation when any emergency siren touches our mind, the automatic some hassles produce always feel unsecure. As per the point doesn’t be panic always work in each situation while something went wrong with your vehicle or about to any major accident. Mirrors are the very important part of the drive and those don’t follow it, very uncertainty arises many times when another vehicle wants to overtake you. Always respects to the rules of the road, use to see both mirrors and blind spot to get the vehicle on the side of the road.
3- Try to get side to Left
Check the traffic from left to right and also ensure that the speed of the vehicle is under control. If any other driver wants to overtake you so give them the side and use your left dipper so you can get your vehicle at the left hand side of the Road.
4- Always respect Emergency Vehicle
Remember the rule of driving as we follow on low and high traffic areas, when driving on highways most of the time drivers never mind about emergency vehicles. The emergency vehicle can be fire engine, ambulance or police van. Most of the time, try to judge that the given siren is not for you. If you made the mistakes on any rules of driving, sometimes police can follow by their car for stopping you for any kind of inquiry.
5- Major Rode Rule Acts
In fact Western Australia seems to be the exception because the law is in the same terms in Queensland and in:
the Australian Capital Territory (‘Australian Road Rules – February 2012’ cl 78, incorporated into ACT Law by the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 2000 (ACT), s 6);
· New South Wales (Road Rules 2014 (NSW), r 78);
· The Northern Territory (Traffic Regulations (NT), Schedule 3, cl 78);
· South Australia (Australian Road Rules (SA) r 78);
· Tasmania (Road Rules 2009 (Tas) r 78); and
· Victoria (Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Vic) r 78).
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